
Interview mit ManazirEin Zoom-Gespräch zwischen Alina Kokoschka und Laura Hindelang

Am 18.09.2020 führten Alina Kokoschka und Laura Hindelang ein Gespräch für die Plattform Manazir (Swiss Platform for the Study of Visual Arts, Architecture and Heritage in the MENA Region).

Ein Ausschnitt aus dem Interview:

»Laura Hindelang: How would you describe the relationship between text and image in your research and your methodology?

Alina Kokoschka: In general, I took notes, minutes of my thoughts, I wrote a field diary and did participant observation, all of which I consider valuable (written) sources. But when I started to go through the photographs I had taken over all these years over and over again, I saw something new almost every time, like a detail I had missed before. My book is not just about commodities and their aesthetics, but also about the contexts and environments in which these commodities exist and are sold.«

Das Interview mit zahlreichen Bildern aus dem Buch »Waren Welt Islam« kann hier online nachgelesen werden.


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